Public Library
Stirling Musical
Instrument Lending Library
The Stirling Musical Instrument Lending Library (M.I.L.L) is located on the upper floor of the Stirling-Rawdon Public Library. 43 West Front Street, P.O. Box 730, Stirling, ON K0K 3E0.
The M.I.L.L is open Tuesdays 3:00pm - 6:30 pm, and Saturdays 10:00am - 2:30pm or by appointment.
The Stirling M.I.L.L. lends musical instruments from our collection to residents of Belleville, Quinte West; Stirling, and other villages, small towns and rural municipalities across Hastings & Northumberland Counties. Instrument loans are FREE and available to all M.I.L.L. Patrons.
Patron Registration costs $30 a year.
The Stirling M.I.L.L is a big project, starting small and developing to serve communities throughout the area. It is built on grassroots involvement and participation, and volunteer contribution from many sources. Your support for the M.I.L.L, in whatever way you are able, will be appreciated.