Public Library
Library of Things

Ontario Park Pass
• Borrowers are to hang the pass from their rearview mirror
• The pass entitles only 1 vehicle (excluding buses) and its occupants into Provincial Park
• The loan period for passes is 4 days
• If the Pass Card is lost or damaged, the replacement cost is $99.00

Film Scanner &
VHS Converter
Save your photo negatives and slides by digitizing them with our film scanner. Have home movies on VHS? have them transferred to a USB or DVD. Both available for use in the library.

Quinte Conservation Pass
• Borrowers are to place the laminated card in their windshield at non-gated areas
• Pass Cards are required for entrance at gated conservation areas Vanderwater and Little Bluff
• Loan period for passes is 4 days
• If the Pass Card is lost or damaged, the replacement cost is $50.00

Happy Light
Boost your energy and enhance your mood with the help of light therapy! Available for use in the library.

Seed Library
• Pick up your seeds - five packets per patron
• Plant your seeds
• Enjoy the fruits, vegetables, or flowers that you have grown

Ice Cleats
Get a Grip Marmora is offering free pairs of ice cleat boot grippers to seniors at Marmora and Lake Public Library, to increase the mobility and reduce social isolation of seniors during the winter months. This program is universally free for seniors 55 and over (while supplies last), but the program also encourages others to buy a pair and pay it forward, as every paid pair helps contribute to those given for free. These simple boot grippers are easy to install on your boots. They stay on your boots, are easy to adjust, and don’t need to be removed when entering a building. Thank you to the Friends of the Marmora Library for making this program possible.