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Public Library
Is the library building wheelchair accessible?Yes! A ramp is available from the parking lot. The door can be opened by button. Wide aisles, where possible, allow for maneuverability, and washrooms are available. Please let us know if any further assistance is required.
How do I get a library card?Library cards can be obtained in person or online, as you must present valid proof of address and photo ID, as well as sign your card. 1. If you are a resident of the Municipality of Marmora & Lake, you may join free of charge. 2. Non-residents will be required to pay a $10.00 non-refundable yearly fee. 3. Members of Havelock, Madoc and Tweed Public Libraries may enjoy a reciprocal membership free of charge. To become a reciprocal member, you must present photo ID and a valid library card from your local library. 4. Children 12 & under must be signed up by their parent or guardian (valid ID required).
What can I borrow, and how long may I keep the items?1. Adult, Teen, Juvenile, Picture books, and Non-fiction 3 weeks 2. Talking Books 2 weeks 3. Movies/DVDs 1 week 4. Magazines 3 weeks
I am late returning what I borrowed. What can I do?Please return your borrowed materials as soon as possible. If the library is not open there is a drop box located in the parking lot. If you have not finished with the materials, you may renew them (provided no one else is waiting)in person, by phone, or email.
What happens if I lose or damage something I borrowed?Please notify library staff as soon as you are aware of the issue. You will have to pay the purchase price of the item. We will also accept a replacement copy, as long as it is in new condition. Substitutions are not accepted.
The item I wish to borrow is out right now? Can I put a hold on it?Yes! Simply let library staff know which item you wish to reserve, and we'll notify you when it comes in.
I am researching my family history. What kind of resources do you have available?1. Ancestry is available in-library. You can use one of our public access computers or your own laptop within the library. 2. The library holds a collection of local newspapers dating back to 1906. The Langley Archive is a digital collection of births, deaths, marriages and other local information. Access is available through this website. Please be advised that it is still under development. 3. Local history books, including some family histories, are available for borrowing or in-house use.
Are all library services free?Almost. Most library services are free. However, the following items do have fees: 1. Non-resident card: If you are not a resident of Marmora & Lake Municipality, Madoc, Tweed or Havelock, you will be required to pay a fee of $10 per year to use the library. 2. Replacement library card: There is a $2 processing fee for replacement cards. Initial cards are free. 3. Printing and Photocopy: Cost is 25 cents per page (50 cents double sided). Note: You are responsible for each page printed, including those printed accidentally or that do not turn out as intended. 4. Fax service $1 per page. Cover sheet is free. 5. Programming: In circumstances where there is an above normal cost for a program (special guest), a fee may be charged for attendance. Donations are always gratefully accepted and will be used directly for future events
Do you have free internet access?Yes! Eight computer workstations are available for public use. You will be required to sign in and agree to library access policies before use. There is a 1 hour time limit. You may also access our Wi-Fi on your own laptop or wireless device. There is no connection time restriction, and it is available even when we are closed. Please note: There is a 25 cent charge for printing (black and white only).
Do you take book or movie donations?Yes. Donations are appreciated. However, they must meet the following criteria. 1. Good condition: no mold, mildew, dirt or torn pages. 2. Up-to-date: books must be less than 10 years old for fiction, 5 for non-fiction. 3. If we cannot use the books in the library, they will be passed on to the friends to sell and raise funds. If you do not wish this, please let us know at the time of donation. 4. Movies must be in DVD format, and in good working condition.
Do you have a fax machine available for public use?Yes! Fax service $1 per page. The cover sheet is free.
At what age can my child get a library card of their own?1. Library cards are available for any age. However, our suggestion is to wait until your child is old enough to recognize the value of their very own library card. Children are often quite excited by their first card, and if they are able to sign the card, it makes a lovely keepsake. 2. Children under 12 years of age may not borrow movies. 3. Once a child reaches the age of 12, an adult card will be given, and he/she then becomes responsible for any items borrowed. New patron restrictions of 3 items (only one movie) will be in effect for 6 months.
I need to scan a form to email. Can I do that at the library?Yes. We do have a scanner for public use. Please bring a USB stick to easily save the scanned item to your computer or email from one of our Public Access computers.
How do I renew my library items?You can renew your library items by emailing or give the library a call at 613-472-3122.
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