Public Library
Library Policies
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Internet Policy
Marmora & Lake Public Library
Policy Type: Operational
Policy Title: Internet Services
Policy Number: OP-10
Policy Approval Date: May 17, 2017 Date of Previous Review: 2021
Date of Next Review: May 2025
The Marmora & Lake Public Library Board endorses the use of the Internet as an essential source of information to complement traditional library collections. The Internet functions in an unregulated, global environment and, therefore, provides access to a wide variety of resources over which the library has no control. This policy establishes and sets guidelines for:
1) the provision of public network services to access the Internet
2) the acceptable use of these services and
3) the library’s position on internet filtering and control of electronic information.
Section 1: Reliability and Appropriateness of Information on the Internet
Resources will be made available to inform users about the reliability and appropriateness of information available on the Internet.
The library is not responsible for the accuracy of the information available on the Internet. This is the responsibility of the producer/originator or publisher.
The board is not responsible for the quality, legality, appropriateness or availability of any Internet sources accessed through the library’s public network.
Wireless access is available at all times, even if the library is closed. Patrons must abide by the acceptable use standards (outlined below) whether inside the library or on the surrounding property.
Patrons must check in at the front desk before using the library’s workstations. Reservations can be made in advance.
Section 2: Access to the Public Network
The board will ensure that access to, and use of, the public network is compatible with the Marmora & Lake Public Library Foundation Document on Intellectual Freedom.
Wired and/or wireless access to the Internet via the public network is provided free of charge.
Access to the network will be available from the public computers or users’ personal devices.
The library reserves the right to set time limits or ask users to limit their time on the public computers. The staff reserves the right to adjust computer time and scheduling as necessary.
The library’s wireless network is not secure; the library cannot guarantee the safety of traffic across its wireless network. The library does not assume any responsibility for the configuration, security or files on personal laptops resulting from connection to the library’s network. Users should be aware that information sent to or from their laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and appropriate software.
OP-10 - Internet Services Policy (continued)
Section 2: Access to the Public Network (continued)
The library is not responsible for any damages sustained while using a personally owned device within the library’s premises or while using the library’s wireless network.
The library will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by, or the potential repercussions of a third party using personal/banking/credit card information that has been entered via the public network.
Section 3: Privacy and Confidentiality
Use of the library’s public network falls under the provision of the library’s Protection of Privacy and Access to Information Policy, OP - 01.
Privacy at the workstations is not guaranteed. Staff will take reasonable measures to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of a user’s use of the Internet in the library.
Users must respect the privacy of others. Internet workstations are situated in public areas, and content being viewed by users may be seen by other people. Users are expected to use the Internet in accordance with this environment.
The board assumes no responsibility for the security and privacy of on-line transactions, as the Internet is not a secure medium and third parties may be able to obtain information about the user’s activities.
Section 4: Use by Children
Children may access all information and use all facilities provided by the library.
The library has not installed filtering software on any of its computers.
The board will ensure that children’s and youths’ access to the Internet is compatible with the policy on Services to Children and Young Adults OP - 06 and the Foundation Document on Intellectual Freedom.
The board accepts no responsibility for enforcing restrictions which a parent or guardian places on a child’s use of the Internet resources.
Staff will:
affirm and acknowledge the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians to monitor and determine their children's access to materials and resources
assist parents by providing guidelines for ‘Safe Surfing’
Parents will:
assume responsibility for deciding which resources and type of network access are appropriate for their children
be made aware that the term ‘children’, as used by the library, means up to, and including, the age of 12.
A parent must accompany children age 12 and under.
A parent or guardian must sign for children up to and including the age of 12.
Exceptions to parental accompaniment and one time sign up may apply for programs requiring, in advance, written parental approval for children 12 and under to participate.
OP-10 - Internet Services Policy (continued)
Section 5: Acceptable Use
To ensure equitable access to the public network and efficient use of resources, the board sets rules for public network access and reserves the right to modify these whenever and wherever appropriate.
Users who deliberately violate the rules may have their library privileges suspended.
The Acceptable Use Rules are:
Users should view the use of the computers for Internet access in the same way as they view the use of the general collection, that is, they are shared resources.
Users must respect the laws of Canada when using the public network.
Use of the public network for illegal, actionable or criminal purposes or to seek access to unauthorized areas is prohibited. Examples of such illegal activities include, but are not limited to, harassment or stalking, libel, illegal commerce or solicitation, "hacking" or tampering with other computer systems, viewing, downloading and/or printing child pornography.
Illegal use will be reported to the police.
Users of the public network may not violate or circumvent copyright and other intellectual property rights. This includes downloading pirated copies of movies and literature. The board will promote fair use copyright principles and will advise users of their legal responsibilities regarding these.
Misuse or abuse of computers or programs is not acceptable. Offenders may be required to leave the library. In the case of the staff and volunteers, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
User-created files shall not be saved on the library’s computers. Files that are saved will be removed. Users may store files on personal removable storage media.
User-supplied software shall not be installed on the library’s computers, and users may not modify or reconfigure software installed on the library’s computers.
Users must be aware that computers and other devices, regardless of whether on the library’s Internet service or not, are being used in public areas which is shared by people of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities. Some content is age-inappropriate for children. Some content may be offensive, objectionable and/or intimidating to other library patrons and/or staff. The staff reserve the right to redirect users whose activities on the public computers or their personal devices diminish the enjoyment of the library space by others.
Section 6: The Marmora & Lake Public Library’s Website
The library will maintain a website that provides:
information about services and operations
access to the catalogue
access to databases and e-books
a selected, evaluated and organized collection of reliable and current information sources available on the Internet
The board and staff are only responsible for the content of web pages managed by the library.
Section 7: Assistance from Staff
Staff will provide assistance with:
access to the public workstations
helping customers begin their search for information
access to subscription databases and e-books
OP-10 - Internet Services Policy (continued)
Section 8: Compliance
The Chief Executive Officer will ensure that all staff members and other persons working in the library are informed and familiar with this policy and the Acceptable Use Rules.
The staff will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that all users comply with the Acceptable Use Rules.
The board will support its staff in their fair and informed enforcement of this policy and associated rules.
Actions taken by library staff may be appealed to the library board.
Related Documents:
Marmora & Lake Public Library. OP 01 - Confidentiality and the Protection of Privacy Policy
Marmora & Lake Public Library. Foundation Documents - Intellectual Freedom Policy
Marmora & Lake Public Library. OP 10 - Services to Children and Youth Adults Services Policy
Procedure for staff
A user may book the library Internet for 1-hour sessions at no charge. Reservations will be held for 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.
Users must check-in at the main circulation desk and complete a User Agreement Form. Each time the user wants to use the Internet, you need to register at the main desk.
Misuse of the computers, including any violation of usage procedures or policy, will result in the suspension of Internet privileges.
An adult must accompany users up to and including the age of twelve.
A parent must sign a user agreement for those up to and including the age of twelve.
Printing is available. Printing costs: Letter size is 25 cents (black & white) and legal size is 30 cents (black & white)
User supplied software shall not be installed on the library’s computers
Whenever time and knowledge permit, staff may assist users.
All our policies are available to be viewed upon request.